In recent months, the Brazilian primetime soap opera “Terra e Paixão” has been making waves among television viewers. While the show revolves around the grieving journey of Aline Machado (Barbra Reis) and her battle to retain her inherited property from the formidable landowner Antonio La Selva, it has garnered significant attention for its LGBTQIA+ representation.
“Kelmiro,” the ship name fans have bestowed upon the romantic relationship between two characters, Ramiro and Kelvin, has emerged as a highlight of the series. Diego Martins, who portrays Kelvin, has been openly gay, but the sexuality of Amaury Lorenzo, the actor behind Ramiro, remained a mystery until now.
In an interview with Extra, Lorenzo shared, “I consider myself an LGBTQIA+ man. It’s possible that in the future I could marry another man, cis or trans, or a woman, cis or trans. I know the public is curious to know about my sexuality. I don’t have a problem with that. I just hope that topic doesn’t overshadow my work as an actor.”
Lorenzo’s decision to come out publicly carries deep personal significance. He emphasized the importance of revealing his identity and advocating for LGBTQIA+ rights, citing heartbreaking incidents involving his students and friends who faced violence and discrimination due to their sexual orientation or gender identity.
“I’m a theater teacher, and I had three students murdered for being LGBTQ+. One was killed by his father. I welcomed a friend into my home who was beaten for being with another man on the street,” Lorenzo explained. “I’ve had former students expelled by evangelical parents for being gay. How can I not be in this fight?”
Before his public announcement, Lorenzo had used his Instagram platform to combat homophobia and prejudice. On October 13th, he shared a powerful message with his followers, emphasizing the urgency of the fight for LGBTQIA+ rights and the right to live, not just for the LGBTQIA+ community, but for all individuals.
“Brazil is the country that kills the most LGBTQIA+ people in the world. It is urgent to fight for life, for the simple right to live,” he declared. “The fight for rights, for the constitutional right to life. This fight is for everyone, not just LGBTQIA+ people. But for all and all. It’s the fight for life.”
Amaury Lorenzo’s courageous decision to come out as LGBTQIA+ adds another layer of significance to “Terra e Paixão” as it continues to celebrate diversity and inclusion on screen, setting an example for others to follow.