Former comedy writer Graham Linehan, known for his involvement in creating popular sitcoms, found himself in the spotlight once again as he performed a street comedy show in Edinburgh. The event, organized by Comedy Unleashed, unfolded on a makeshift stage outside of Holyrood, drawing a crowd of approximately 50 attendees.
Linehan’s street performance came in the wake of his removal from scheduled appearances at venues like Leith Arches due to his continued anti-trans campaigning. Initially set to be a guest at a comedy show hosted by GB News’ Andrew Doyle, Linehan faced public backlash, prompting the community hub to cancel his appearance. A subsequent venue also decided against hosting the show, leading to Comedy Unleashed’s outdoor arrangement.
During the performance, a video captured Linehan discussing his controversial stance on “Women being harassed and threatened,” a topic that has sparked significant debate. Critics questioned the comedic element of his presentation, with comments highlighting the absence of humor.
Linehan’s history of targeting the trans community has raised concerns among many. He has been criticized for creating a fake profile on a dating app, Her, posing as a trans woman to humiliate and shame other users. Linehan’s actions have led to accusations of hatefulness and discrimination.
Addressing the gathered audience, Linehan expressed his deep attachment to comedy while acknowledging the challenges he has faced in recent years. He reiterated his focus on opposing what he terms as “trans rights activists,” differentiating them from the broader trans community. His stance has drawn both support and opposition, with MP Joanna Cherry coming to his defense, characterizing his removal from the bill as “belief discrimination.”
Linehan’s recent appearance on TalkTV further amplified his anti-trans views. During the debate on “hate speech or free speech?,” he vehemently expressed that he considers it a “crime against humanity” to tell children they might have been born in the wrong body. The channel’s decision to withhold the broadcast of the interview for a second time further underscores the contentious nature of his statements.
As Linehan continues to champion his perspective, the broader discourse around trans rights and free speech remains a topic of intense debate within the LGBTQ+ community and beyond.