In the upcoming highly anticipated film adaptation of Wicked, Kristin Chenoweth, who famously portrayed the ‘Good Witch’ Glinda on Broadway, expressed her excitement for the film’s stars Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo. Chenoweth gave her stamp of approval to both actresses, assuring Grande that she doesn’t need to pay homage to her performance.
During an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Chenoweth shared that she has known Grande since she was just 10 years old and that the pop star is “going to step so beautifully” into her shoes. Chenoweth encouraged Grande to make the character of Glinda her own, saying that she just wants Grande to “do you.”
The two-part film adaptation of Wicked, directed by Jon M. Chu, is set to be released in 2024 and 2025, with Part One hitting cinemas on 27 November, 2024. In addition to Grande and Erivo, the film stars Jonathan Bailey, Jeff Goldblum, and Michelle Yeoh.
Grande has already defied expectations with her stunning costuming, which was revealed in a recent first look at the film. Despite the grueling filming schedule, Grande expressed her excitement for the role, joking that she and Erivo are “husks” of people.
Chenoweth, who appears in the TV series Schmigadoon!, shared that Grande regularly updates her on the filming process and that she is incredibly proud of her. As fans eagerly await the release of Wicked, it’s clear that Grande has Chenoweth’s seal of approval.