Mattea Roach, a trailblazing Gen Z contestant on Jeopardy!, has become an iconic figure in the trivia world. Their astounding success on the show, with 23 regular-season victories in 2022, solidified their position as the most accomplished Gen Z participant in the game’s history. However, despite their triumphs, Mattea humbly refutes the label of a “trivia pro,” emphasizing that their achievements were anything but planned.
The 24-year-old Jeopardy! sensation identifies as queer/lesbian and embraces they/them pronouns, showcasing their unwavering commitment to authenticity and self-expression. Beyond their extensive knowledge, Mattea captivated audiences with their outgoing personality and a distinct flair for fashion. Their impact went beyond national borders, as they also clinched the title of the top Canadian contestant ever.
In an interview for CBC Kids News, Mattea revealed that their journey to Jeopardy! began as an impulsive response to pandemic boredom. They had minimal preparation before auditioning, deeming the odds of being selected insurmountable. Nonetheless, their natural curiosity and keen observation of the world around them played a pivotal role in their success on the show. To Mattea, the key to retaining information lies in finding something fascinating about the subject matter.
While their Jeopardy! reign showcased their brilliance, Mattea remains candid about their areas of improvement. Science, in particular, was a subject that didn’t captivate them during high school. However, the challenge of learning about it with a trivia-related incentive has sparked genuine interest and relevance in their life.
Tragedy struck during the Jeopardy! Masters tournament when Mattea received news of their father’s passing due to a brain aneurysm. Yet, amidst personal grief, they displayed remarkable resilience and sportsmanship, garnering admiration and support from fellow contestants and the show’s staff. During the semifinals, they secured a well-deserved second place, with James Holzhauer acknowledging Mattea’s late father and expressing immense pride in their accomplishments.
Today, beyond the realm of Jeopardy!, Mattea Roach continues to excel in new avenues. From their role as a tutor to their current career as a freelance writer and podcaster, hosting The Backbench—a podcast that delves into Canadian politics—Mattea Roach continues to be an inspiration to many. Their journey proves that genuine passion, curiosity, and authenticity pave the way to success, leaving an indelible mark on the LGBTQ+ community and beyond.