In the imaginative Portuguese film, Will-O’-The-Wisp, a young environmentally-conscious prince, Alfredo (played by Mauro Costa), pursues his passion for protecting the planet by training to become a firefighter. However, as he begins his training, he finds himself enamored with his handsome firehouse instructor, Afonso (portrayed by André Cabral). Their affair unfolds through a series of passionate encounters, including chest compression training, locker room wrestling, and captivating dance routines.
A Unique Blend of Eroticism and Art
Set in the year 2069, Will-O’-The-Wisp showcases a highly evocative fantasy world that primarily takes place in a firehouse locker room. Director João Pedro Rodrigues (The Ornithologist) drew inspiration from homoerotic firefighter calendars and classical Baroque painters. Rodrigues emphasizes the importance of art in the film, noting that the actors’ poses were inspired by classical paintings and the spirit of Rubens or Velasquez.
A Fantastical Reality in Firefighting
Rodrigues aimed to create a fairytale-like fire station that still captures the reality of firefighting. He spent several weeks observing and filming actual firefighters, intertwining fantasy and romanticism with the physicality of their profession. After premiering at the Cannes Film Festival almost a year ago, Will-O’-The-Wisp is set to make its U.S. debut on May 26 at the IFC Center in New York City, with additional theatrical dates to follow.
Watch the film’s alluring, magical, and slightly NSFW trailer for a taste of the captivating world of Will-O’-The-Wisp.