‘Noah’s Arc,’ a groundbreaking drama series chronicling the lives and relationships of four Black gay men, is set to make a comeback to the small screen in 2023. The announcement was made by the show’s director, Patrik-Ian Polk, during his acceptance speech for a Lifetime Achievement Award at the SpeakOut “I AM” Awards in D.C. last night.
The original cast of the show, including Darryl Stephens, Jensen Atwood, Christian Vincent, and Rodney Chester, were all in attendance to celebrate Polk’s achievement. Doug Spearman, who played Chance, was absent but sent in a video message to congratulate Polk.
The show, which first aired in 2005 and ran for two seasons, broke ground for focusing on the love lives and relationships of Black gay men, at a time when there was still a lack of representation for LGBTQ+ people of color in the media. The announcement of the show’s return has been met with excitement and anticipation among fans, who have been waiting for news of a revival for years.
The new project will reportedly be a movie for MTV, as confirmed by Darryl Stephens on Twitter. Stephens, who played the lead role of Noah, shared his excitement with fans and thanked them for their support.
The return of ‘Noah’s Arc’ is not only significant for its representation of Black gay men but also for its contribution to LGBTQ+ history and culture. As a show that was ahead of its time, its influence can still be felt in the current landscape of television and media. The show’s return is a testament to the power of representation and the impact it can have on marginalized communities.
As we look forward to the release of the new project, it is important to acknowledge the groundbreaking legacy of ‘Noah’s Arc’ and the impact it had on LGBTQ+ representation in the media. The show’s return is a welcome addition to the ongoing efforts to increase visibility and representation for marginalized communities.