Colton Underwood, a former football player turned reality star from “The Bachelor” fame, made waves this year as he embarked on a paddleboarding journey. Known for his recent coming out as gay in the “Coming Out Colton” docuseries, Underwood shared his newfound love for paddleboarding with fans in a series of Instagram stories, leaving many thankful for the view.
On November 23, Underwood took to Instagram to express his gratitude on Thanksgiving, and his paddleboarding adventure became a highlight of his posts. In one video, he can be seen striking a perfect back arch pose on top of the paddleboard, which drew admiration from his followers.
The camera person capturing the paddleboarding experience seemed to share the sentiment, as they zoomed in on Underwood’s back arch and framed the video to showcase the Bachelor star’s physique, particularly his derrière. Underwood himself playfully acknowledged the camera, suggesting he was aware of the attention he was receiving.
While sports might not be a familiar territory for many LGBTQ+ individuals, the appreciation for proper form, especially in a back arch, is universal. Colton Underwood’s paddleboarding posts offered a lighthearted and entertaining moment for his fans.
In addition to his playful paddleboarding content, Underwood shared other heartfelt Instagram stories about the things he was thankful for on Thanksgiving, creating a sweet and memorable holiday message for his followers.
Colton Underwood continues to make his mark as a prominent LGBTQ+ figure, bringing moments of joy and authenticity to his online presence.