Demi Lovato, once a child star herself, is stepping behind the camera for her directorial debut with the documentary “Child Star.” Known for her roles in Barney & Friends and Disney’s Camp Rock, Lovato’s new project delves into the complexities of growing up under the spotlight. The documentary, set to premiere on Hulu, explores both the glamorous and challenging aspects of childhood fame.
In “Child Star,” Lovato engages in intimate and often heart-wrenching conversations with fellow former child stars like Drew Barrymore, Kenan Thompson, Raven-Symoné, Christina Ricci, JoJo Siwa, and Alyson Stoner. Many of these individuals share the unique experience of navigating fame from a young age, with several identifying as queer, adding another layer to their stories.
“I’m so proud to make my directorial debut with this documentary that sheds light on the complexities of child stardom, a topic that is very close to my heart,” Lovato stated. Her goal is to foster a deeper understanding of the pressures faced by young talents in the industry and advocate for a safer, more supportive environment for future generations. The documentary aims to push forward the conversation about the mental and emotional impacts of early fame, striving to create a better framework for young artists.
“Child Star” isn’t Lovato’s first foray into documentaries. Previous works like “Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated” and “Demi Lovato: Dancing With the Devil” have explored her personal battles with mental health and addiction. This new documentary, however, broadens the lens to include the experiences of other child stars, many of whom have faced similar struggles.
Set to premiere on September 17 on Hulu, “Child Star” promises to be a poignant and revealing look at the lives of those who grew up in the entertainment industry’s glaring spotlight. Through candid interviews and personal stories, Lovato’s documentary aims to shed light on the often unseen challenges faced by young stars, advocating for a more understanding and supportive environment for future talents.