Renowned musician Rod Stewart, known for his iconic hits and unwavering commitment to social justice, has turned down a lucrative opportunity to perform in Saudi Arabia. Stewart, who previously rejected a $1 million offer to play at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, explained his decision in a recent Instagram post.
In his post, Stewart expressed gratitude for having the freedom to choose whether or not to perform in Saudi Arabia. He highlighted the limited choices faced by many citizens in the country, particularly women, the LGBTQ+ community, and the press. Stewart stated, “I’d like my choice not to go… to shine a light on the injustices there and ignite positive change.”
This principled stand by Stewart reflects his lifelong allyship to the LGBTQIA+ communities, dating back to his 1976 hit song, “The Killing of Georgie.” Earlier this year, he further demonstrated his commitment by performing a duet of the song with Boy George in Plymouth.
While Stewart’s decision underscores his values, it also draws attention to the contrasting choices made by other celebrities. Justin Bieber performed a concert in Saudi Arabia in 2021, and although Nicki Minaj initially pulled out of a 2019 Saudi concert due to fan backlash, she later accepted Qatari funding to perform on the official World Cup anthem in 2022.
In a different arena, former LGBTQIA+ ally David Beckham secured a notable deal with the Qatar Tourist Board partnership, reportedly worth $150 million over ten years in the lead-up to the World Cup. These contrasting actions by celebrities serve as a reminder of the complexities and controversies surrounding international engagements in countries with human rights concerns.
Rod Stewart’s principled stance brings attention to the ongoing challenges faced by marginalized communities in Saudi Arabia and serves as a call for positive change on the global stage.