In a groundbreaking move, Hallmark Channel has premiered its first female-led LGBTQ+ romance film, “Friends & Family Christmas,” showcasing a lesbian love story at the heart of the festive season. The film stars Humberly Gonzalez and Ali Liebert, employing the beloved fake dating trope.
“The Storyline”
“Friends & Family Christmas” revolves around Daniella, an aspiring artist in New York, and Amelia, a dedicated entertainment lawyer. Both characters, avoiding their families during the holidays, agree to fake dating to appease their parents. However, their pretend relationship soon develops into a genuine connection.
“A Queer Celebration”
Gonzalez and Liebert expressed their excitement about the film, emphasizing its significance for sapphic audiences. The film avoids typical queer struggles, focusing instead on universal themes within a queer context. It includes LGBTQ+ cultural references, offering a nod to the sapphic film “Carol” and featuring rainbow decorations.
“Hallmark’s Inclusive Future”
This release is part of Hallmark’s initiative to make its seasonal films more inclusive, with plans to produce more queer-focused movies. The channel aims for a diverse range of viewers to see themselves reflected in its storytelling. This film is a step towards that goal, with hopes for more queer Christmas movies annually.