In a recent turn of events, a Grapevine, Texas restaurant faced intense pressure from a local right-wing group, leading to the cancellation of its planned New Year’s Eve drag show. The Piaf Kitchen + Wine + Bar had originally included drag performers as part of a diverse entertainment lineup for an adult-only event. However, the True Texas Project, led by Julie McCarty and labeled as an extremist organization by the Southern Poverty Law Center, launched a campaign against the event.
McCarty’s social media posts openly criticized the drag show, urging community members and the city council to intervene. Her efforts resonated with some locals, leading to a significant backlash against the restaurant. Eventually, the establishment posted on Instagram, citing adjustments in their entertainment choices to ensure a “universally enjoyable and safe experience.”
The decision sparked a debate within the community and online, with many expressing disappointment over the restaurant’s move. Critics accused the eatery of yielding to a minority’s views, while supporters of the cancellation cited cultural and moral concerns. The incident highlights ongoing tensions surrounding LGBTQ+ events and freedom of expression in local communities.