In the vibrant heart of Paris, a captivating story of self-expression and dedication unfolds through the lens of photographer Alistair. Fabricio, a Peruvian expat now calling France home, showcases not only his chiseled physique but also his vibrant spirit against the iconic backdrop of the Eiffel Tower.
By day, Fabricio graces a renowned French cosmetics store in Paris, where he’s even crossed paths with France’s First Lady, Brigitte Macron. By night, he embraces a different stage, working at a renowned gay bar in the lively district of Le Marais, a place where models tantalize the audience with sensuous showers.
Alistair, the talented photographer behind this striking series, delves into Fabricio’s daily life and aspirations. “Fabricio works tirelessly, sculpting his body through five to six days of dedicated workouts each week,” Alistair notes. “Our photoshoot took us to a tranquil park along the docks near the Eiffel Tower, where I envisioned him baring more than just his soul. Amidst curious onlookers, Fabricio gracefully donned and shed layers multiple times. In the end, the outcome was nothing short of spectacular. The entire experience was an ode to his unique journey.”
In these captivating images, Fabricio’s story unfolds, a testament to the LGBTQ community’s vibrant presence in the City of Love, beautifully captured for all to admire and celebrate.