Max Bowden, widely known for his role as the gay character Ben Mitchell in the long-running British soap opera Eastenders, has announced his departure from the series. This decision marks the end of an era for the show, as Bowden has been a pivotal figure since joining in 2019.
Ben Mitchell: A Legacy of LGBTQ+ Storytelling
As the sixth actor to embody Phil Mitchell and Kathy Beale’s son, Bowden’s portrayal has been critical in bringing to life various LGBTQ+ storylines. His character, Ben Mitchell, has navigated complex scenarios, including a tumultuous marriage, confronting an eating disorder, and being a part of a powerful male rape storyline. His performance has resonated deeply with audiences, earning him the title of Soap Superstar of the Year at the 2023 Inside Soap Awards.
Uncertain Future for a Beloved Character
The future of the character Ben Mitchell remains uncertain, with no clear indication whether the role will be recast or written out of the show. This ambiguity adds to the fans’ sense of loss, as Bowden’s portrayal has been integral to the show’s narrative fabric. His departure coincides with the return of another fan-favourite gay character, Johnny Carter, adding a new dynamic to the show’s evolving storyline.