A captivating feud between two queer footy players takes center stage in the newly launched home-grown web series “Touch.” Produced by the creative minds behind the popular series “The Formal,” the first three 10-minute episodes are now available for streaming on YouTube and TikTok.
In “Touch,” viewers are introduced to Cameron, a star touch football player portrayed by Diana Popovska. Cameron’s world is turned upside down when they discover that their girlfriend Leah, who also happens to be a teammate on their champion touch team “The Cassowaries,” cheated on them with another player. Fueled by a desire for revenge, the highly competitive Cameron makes a bold decisionāto leave the victorious Cassowaries and join “The Galahs,” a team that hasn’t tasted victory in a long time.
Cameron faces the daunting challenge of helping “The Galahs” improve their game while keeping their revenge plan a secret. Amidst the rivalry and games, Cameron finds themselves developing unexpected feelings for their new teammate, Angie.
The web series “Touch” is the brainchild of Australian talents Monique Terry and Hannah-Rae Meegan, the creators, writers, producers, and directors behind the hit web series “The Formal.” “The Formal,” originally created for TikTok, garnered millions of views and spawned multiple seasons. Now, “Touch” has received support from Screen Australia, showcasing its potential to captivate audiences worldwide.
Monique Terry highlighted the direct connection with the audience made possible by releasing the series online. She noted that “Touch” was an ambitious project, as none of the team members had previously worked on a sports series. She expressed pride in how they successfully brought the project to life, emphasizing the personal significance of getting the portrayal of touch football right, especially for someone who grew up playing the sport passionately.
The first three episodes of “Touch” are available on the @monandhan YouTube and TikTok channels, with four more episodes scheduled to be released. As the web series unfolds, it promises to offer viewers an engaging and relatable story of love, rivalry, and personal growth within the world of queer footy players.