Roseanne Barr, once known as America’s favorite “domestic goddess,” premiered her first special in 15 years on Fox News’s streaming platform Fox Nation. The special is titled “Roseanne Barr: Cancel This!” and seems to be continuing her conservative comments and style. The special is seemingly catering to the MAGA, QAnon demographic. Clips posted online see Barr mocking trans identities.
Conservative television personality Benny Johnson shared a clip on Twitter where Barr says that kids “have no concept of reality! They’ve been living in a bubble forever!” She adds, “Asking questions that have nothing to do with the real world — what is my gender, Mom? What is my gender? Your gender is ‘Get a job,’ that’s your gender!” Barr continues by rhetorically asking, “What is a woman?’ They don’t know that? That one they’re asking all the time.”
Roseanne Barr first became famous for her sitcom Roseanne, which premiered in the very late ’80s and became a staple of ABC prime-time viewing in the ’90s. The sitcom was rebooted in 2018, but the show’s popularity got it renewed for a second season. However, in May of that year, she was fired from the show after making a racist statement about Valerie Jarrett. Barr has bashed progressives and supported former President Donald Trump. She also said that she “appreciated” Ye’s recent antisemitic tweets, even though she is Jewish.
Barr was recently on Tucker Carlson’s show to promote the special. She called liberals, “fascist and Nazi — they do experiments on captive populations. No different and it’s disgusting. And then we’re supposed to see that as progressive? It’s not. It’s anything but.” It’s not clear what she was referring to. Barr then went on to say, “I’m not going to let them have the last word, not on me. I’ll be fighting in my Depends…I don’t care, I’m never gonna give up. They’re not gonna get me.”