Scream VI, the latest instalment in the beloved slasher franchise, has received overwhelming praise from critics, being hailed as the franchise’s strongest entry yet. The film picks up from where the 2022 reboot left off, following the Carpenter siblings and the Meeks twins as they move to New York to start a new life. However, their past comes back to haunt them as Ghostface re-emerges, leaving carnage in his wake.
PopCrave and filmmaker Dan Marcus have both given high praise to Scream VI, with the latter noting that the kills are gorier, the scares are more terrifying, and the tension is more nail-biting than ever. Fans have also reacted with joy to the overwhelmingly positive reviews, particularly praising the performances of Mason Gooding and Jenna Ortega.
Critics have also noted the way the film honours the legacy of the iconic franchise. Film critic Shannon McGrew has urged those who were less-than-impressed with the previous instalment to leave any doubts at the door, promising that their socks will be knocked all the way off. Overall, Scream VI is a must-see for horror and slasher film fans, with Ghostface being scarier than ever before.